Welcome back, dear Newborn Tips readers, in this article we will explore the main recommendations based on scientific evidence on how newborns should sleep.
Sleep in children is essential in order to ensure proper development. Knowing how to put newborns to sleep safely and comfortably helps prevent risks such as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and ensures a restful sleep for the family.
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The Correct Sleeping Position
According to pediatricians, newborns should always sleep on their backs during the first 12 months of life, both during nighttime sleep and daytime naps. This position:
- Significantly reduces the risk of SIDS.
- Promotes safer breathing.
- Avoids the risk of accidental suffocation.
Where Newborns Sleep Best: The Ideal Sleep Environment
- Dedicated crib or cot:
The newborn should sleep in a crib or cot with a firm, well-fitting mattress.
Avoid pillows, duvets, stuffed animals or soft bumpers that can pose a suffocation hazard.
- Shared room, but separate bed:
It is advisable for the newborn to sleep in the same room as the parents at least until 6 months (ideally until 12 months), but on a separate bed.
- Temperature and clothing:
Maintain a room temperature that varies between 20°C-22°C.
- Dress your newborn in light, breathable clothing.
- Avoid exposing him or her to excessive heat, to avoid possible overheating, a risk factor for SIDS.
What to Avoid While Babies Sleep?
Covering the face: Make sure that sheets or blankets do not cover the baby’s face.
Sleeping on the side or stomach: These positions can hinder breathing.
Co-sleeping: Avoid having the baby sleep in the same bed as the parents, as it increases the risk of suffocation and accidents.
Routines and Favorite Behaviors for Getting Babies to Sleep
- Use of a pacifier:
Using a pacifier for babies during rest hours can reduce the risk of SIDS. It is important to:
Offer it when the baby is relaxed, without forcing it.
Do not reinsert it if it falls out during the night.
- Avoid smoking:
Exposing the baby to secondhand smoke increases the likelihood of the risk of SIDS.
- Supervise during naps:
Monitor your baby during naps to ensure that he or she is always in a safe position.
- Bedtime routine:
Establishing a bedtime routine can help your baby know when it’s time to sleep. Activities such as a warm bath or cuddling can be included.
- Avoid screens and blue lights:
Reduce exposure to screens and blue lights at least two hours before bedtime to help promote better sleep.
- Exposure to sunlight:
Try to expose your baby to natural light during the middle of the day, as this helps regulate the circadian rhythm.
By following these tips for getting your baby to sleep at night, you can help create a safe and peaceful sleep environment for your newborn.
Method for getting newborns to sleep at night
Getting a newborn to sleep at night requires patience, consistency, and adopting an effective routine.
Here is the best method to help your newborn sleep well at night:
- Think of an evening routine that helps your newborn fall asleep:
Always start at the same time. Establishing a regular schedule helps your newborn develop a circadian rhythm.
Relaxing activities. Warm bath, Gentle massage, Lullabies or soft music, Reading a book, if your newborn is older.
- Distinguish between Day and Night
During the day: Expose your little one to sunlight. Stimulate play and interactions.
At night: Keep the room dark and quiet. During nighttime feedings, use soft lighting. Speak softly and limit movement.
- Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment
- Ideal temperature: 20-22°C.
- Use a sleeping bag to keep your baby warm without the risk of suffocation.
- No soft or bulky objects in the crib.
- Feed Before Bed
Offer a feed before putting him to bed. A baby with a swollen stomach is likely to sleep longer.
- Put the Baby to Bed Drowsy, But Awake
When the baby shows signs of tiredness (rubbing his eyes, yawning, fussing), put him in the crib before he falls asleep completely. This helps him to associate the crib with sleep and learn to fall back asleep independently.
- Calm the Baby Without Taking Him Out of Bed
If he wakes up during the night, try to calm him with: Caresses on the tummy or back; White noise; Soft and reassuring words.
Try to avoid picking him up every time, to help him develop autonomy in falling back to sleep.
- Avoid Nighttime Stimulation
Do not turn on bright lights or play with the baby during nighttime awakenings.
- Patience and Consistency
Newborns often do not sleep through the night in the first few months, but by following a consistent routine, night awakenings will gradually decrease.
This method helps the newborn establish a sleep-wake rhythm and sleep longer and more deeply during the night.
Why Should Babies Not Sleep on Their Sides?
Babies should not sleep on their sides because this position increases the risk of sleep-related accidents, including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Here are the main reasons:
- Positional Instability
Babies who sleep on their sides can easily roll onto their stomachs, a position considered dangerous because it can impede breathing.
- Risk of Suffocation
Sleeping on their sides can cause the mouth or nose to be compressed against the mattress or sheet, increasing the risk of suffocation.
- Compression of the Airway
In this position, the baby’s neck and head can bend abnormally, narrowing the airway.
- Risk of Body Twisting
Sleeping on their sides can cause the body to twist, which can compress the chest, making breathing less effective.
- Difficulty Self-Regulating Temperature
Swaddled babies are unable to regulate their body temperature, so side-sleeping can cause them to stick too close to the mattress, causing overheating.
What is the best way to put newborns to sleep?
Always put your newborn on their back, a safe position that ensures maximum airway opening and reduces the risk of SIDS.
Use a firm mattress and a flat surface to prevent your newborn from accidentally rolling onto their side or tummy.
Following these guidelines is essential to ensuring your baby sleeps safely.
How to Put a Newborn to Sleep Safely: Warning Signs
If your newborn is having difficulty breathing, has a bluish color, or is otherwise uncomfortable while sleeping, it is essential to consult a pediatrician immediately.
Ensuring a safe sleep for your newborn is a crucial responsibility for every parent. With our tips, you can create a protected environment that promotes rest and well-being for your baby.
For further questions or personalized advice on how newborns should sleep, it is always best to consult your trusted pediatrician.
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Newborn Tips, The Editorial Team